
IPv6 support of Solaris

Which version of Solaris support IPv6?

Solaris support IPv6 since version 8. Earlier only experimental version was available.

What features are supported in Solaris 8?

What new IPv6 features are available in Solaris 10?

IPv6 configuration Solaris

How can enable IPv6 autoconfiguration on particular interface?

To create autoconfigured IPv6 addresses for any additional interfaces on the host that were not configured during installat ion enter the following:

 touch /etc/hostname6.interface

Then you have to reboot to system in order to all the necessary configuration take place.

How can configure static IPv6 address to a particular interface?

To configure static IPv6 address for a particular interface you have the enter in /etc/hostname6.interface

 addif 2001:db8:1:2::55/64 up

How can I configure static and autoconfigure IPv6 addresses to the same interface?

You cannot. But you can emulate this behaviour with logical interfaces. Enabling autoconfiguration on interface and configure static address on interface:1.

How can I enforce an Interface ID token for autoconfiguration?

You can set the IPv6 token of an interface to be used for address autoconfiguration with the following command:

 ifconfig interface inet6 token ::last_64_bit_for_token/64

How can I enable Privacy Enhanced Address on Solaris?

Edit the /etc/inet/ndpd.conf file to turn on temporary address generation.

To configure temporary addresses on all interfaces of a host, add the following to /etc/inet/ndpd.conf:

 ifdefault TmpAddrsEnabled true

To configure a temporary address for a specific interface, add the following to /etc/inet/ndpd.conf:

 if interface TmpAddrsEnabled true

Optionally in /etc/inet/ndpd.conf you can

How can modify IPv6 default address selection rules?

You can do it in Solaris 10 and later of ipaddrsel command.

How can I review the current IPv6 default address selection table?

Review the current IPv6 address selection policy table with ipaddrsel without any argument.

 # ipaddrsel
 # Prefix                  Precedence Label
 ::1/128                           50 Loopback
 ::/0                              40 Default
 2002::/16                         30 6to4
 ::/96                             20 IPv4_Compatible
 ::ffff:                 10 IPv4

How can I add new IPv6 default address selection rules?

Modify /etc/inet/addrsel.conf according to your needs and load it with

 ipaddrsel -f /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf


How can I reload the factory default IPv6 default address slection rules?

If the modified policy table has problems, restore the default IPv6 address selection policy table.

 # ipaddrsel -d

How can prefer IPv4 addresses over IPv6 addresses?


 ::1/128                           50 Loopback
 ::/0                              40 Default
 2002::/16                         30 6to4
 ::/96                             20 IPv4_Compatible
 ::ffff:                 100 IPv4

policy table.

How can I enable IPv6 adddress resolution on Solaris?

For Solaris youhave to enable separately the name resolution for IPv6:

Putting ipv4/ipv6 addresses in


and /etc/nsswitch.conf Make sure 'ipnodes' line contains 'dns' entry so that IPv6 hostname lookup can be performed through DNS in case that resolution failed by looking up a local file.

 hosts:      files dns
 ipnodes:   files dns

Campus6: IPv6hostsolaris (last edited 2008-04-10 15:29:32 by localhost)